In addition to bringing an established track record of value creation for shareholders, the Lycos team approaches asset acquisitions and development with a disciplined perspective designed to appropriately balance risk and reward. While focusing on the efficient, cost-effective and responsible exploitation of our assets, Lycos is also committed to establishing market credibility and accountability while carving a clear path for the return of capital to shareholders.
Investment Opportunity
Lycos is a newly public entity led by a team of technically experienced professionals taking a bold and disruptive approach to capture and capitalize on opportunities that others have missed.
Lycos: A new approach to value creation
Proven management team and board
Extensive track record of success
Bold and disruptive strategy
Expanding asset base with emerging development
Responsible execution and financial flexibility
Analyst Coverage
The firms and analysts listed below follow Lycos Energy Inc. and provide research coverage. Lycos does not distribute analyst research reports. Please contact the firm directly if you require further information. Any opinions, estimates or forecasts regarding performance made by these analysts are theirs alone and do not represent opinions, forecasts or predictions of Lycos Energy or its management.
Institution | Analyst | Contact |
National Bank Financial | Dan Payne | (403) 290-5441 | Peters & Co. Limited | Conrad Bereznicki | (403) 261-4850 | Haywood Securities Inc. | Christopher Jones | (403) 509-1953 | BMO Capital Markets | Jeremy McCrea | (403) 355-1444 | ATB Financial | Amir Arif | (403) 809-2334 |
Check back later for further analyst coverage
Presentations and Events
Financial Reports and Filings
Q4 2024
Upcoming Release
April 8, 2025 (close of markets)
NOTE: The above dates have been tentatively assigned as proposed dates for release and may be subject to change.
For a complete listing of archived Financial Statements and Corporate Filings, visit our listing on SEDAR+.
ESTMA Reporting
Lycos is committed to the responsible reporting and transparency of our organization and any financial interactions between our organization and all levels of government.
The Extractive Sector Transparency Measures Act (“ESTMA”) came into effect on June 1, 2015. ESTMA introduced new annual reporting and transparency obligations for the Canadian extractive sector and applies to payments made by oil, gas and mining companies (public and private) to foreign and domestic governments at all levels. All companies subject to ESTMA are required to report payments of over CDN $100,000 made to any level of a Canadian or foreign government, including royalty payments, taxes (other than consumption taxes and personal income taxes), fees, production entitlements, bonuses, dividends (other than ordinary dividends paid to shareholders), infrastructure improvement payments and other prescribed categories of payments.
Modern Slavery Reporting
Lycos is committed to operating its business responsibly, sustainably and in accordance with the Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act.
The Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act (“the Act”) was enacted by the Parliament of Canada in May 2023 and came into effect on January 1, 2024. The purpose of the act is to implement Canada’s international commitment to contribute to the fight against forced labour and child labour through new reporting obligations on certain entities and government organizations. Lycos is committed to assessing and mitigating the risks of forced labour and child labour in all facets of the Company’s supply chain and expects that all stakeholders, employees, and vendors share the Company’s commitment to responsible business practices as set out in its policies.
As required by the Act, Lycos, a Canadian publicly listed entity, prepares an annual report which sets out the steps taken to prevent and reduce the risk that forced labour or child labour is used at any step in the production of goods or supply chain.